Salesforce Safety Cloud

Salesforce safety (Kizzy Consulting)


Salesforce, the global leader in Customer Relationship Management has announced a new service called Safety Cloud to help people get together safely. Safety Cloud, which builds on Salesforce’s event & workplace experience — as well as current health and safety advancements announced in December — helps businesses and communities effectively manage testing, health, and entry protocols, resulting in safer in-person experiences at corporate spaces and other events.

‘Testing is the path forward and Safety Cloud enables the organization of all types to take the complexity out of events, and bring people together again with confidence.’


What is Safety Cloud?

Safety Cloud is built to help bring employees and customers together, safely. The Safety cloud platform helps in managing and verifying the health status like test results, vaccination records of customers and employees. It also helps in implementing the health and security protocols. Entry protocols into buildings and events can also be implemented with secure, multi-factor credentials.

Using Safety Cloud features, Salesforce has now reopened 84 offices globally and also hosted two large-scale events i.e. Dreamforce SF and NYC 2021, in which more than 4500 attendees get together safely.

Safety Cloud(Kizzy Consulting-Top Salesforce Partner)

How Safety Cloud helps Customers?


  • Streamline COVID-19 testing and health status reporting using

Safety Cloud service, organizations may better track the availability of important workers through the use of test results that are automatically fed into the platform.


  • Create flexible and scalable protocols 

Building flexible, scalable protocols to bring people back together safely at events with changing COVID-19 health and safety protocols. This change includes testing and vaccine status requirements, identity, and registration.


  • Automate workplace entry

Automated workplace entry combined with identification and health status into a secure, multifactor pass for validated access.

Kizzy Consulting

Kizzy Consulting is a Salesforce Ridge Consulting Partner in the USA and has successfully implemented 100+ Salesforce projects for 100+ clients across sectors like Financial Services, Insurance, Retail, Sales, Manufacturing, Real estate, Logistics, and Healthcare in countries like the US, Europe, and Australia. Get a free consultation now by emailing us at [email protected] or Contact us.


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