Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration: Rest API [2024]

Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce partner)

In today’s business landscape, seamless integration between different software systems is essential for maximizing productivity and efficiency. When it comes to managing financial data and sales operations, Quickbooks and Salesforce integration can be game-changers.

What is Quickbooks?

QuickBooks is the most popular business accounting software used to manage income and expenses and keep track of financial health. You can invoice customers, pay bills, generate reports, and prepare taxes. The QuickBooks product line includes several solutions to support different business needs, including QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks Time, and QuickBooks Checking.

Benefits of Integrating Salesforce with QuickBooks

Integrating Salesforce with QuickBooks, two popular business management platforms, can offer several benefits for organizations. Here are some key advantages:

  • Streamlined Data Flow: Integration enables seamless data flow between Salesforce and QuickBooks, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors. Customer and sales data from Salesforce can be automatically synced with QuickBooks, ensuring accuracy and saving time.
  • Enhanced Sales and Customer Management: By integrating Salesforce with QuickBooks, sales teams can access the real-time financial information of customers, such as their purchase history, outstanding balances, and credit limits. This data empowers sales representatives to make informed decisions and offer personalized sales experiences.
  • Improved Order Management: Integration allows for efficient order management workflows. When a sales order is created in Salesforce, it can be automatically transferred to QuickBooks as an invoice or sales receipt, streamlining the process and minimizing delays.
  • Financial Reporting and Analytics: Combining Salesforce’s sales data with QuickBooks’ financial data provides comprehensive insights into the organization’s performance. It enables finance teams to generate accurate financial reports, analyze revenue trends, and gain a holistic view of the business’s financial health.
  • Automated Invoicing and Payment Tracking: With integration, invoices can be generated in QuickBooks automatically based on data from Salesforce. The integration also enables tracking of payment status, ensuring timely follow-up on outstanding payments and reducing the risk of revenue leakage.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Integrating Salesforce and QuickBooks eliminates redundant tasks and manual data entry, freeing up employees’ time to focus on more value-added activities. It boosts overall operational efficiency and productivity across sales, finance, and administrative functions.
  • Scalability and Growth: As businesses expand, integration ensures seamless scalability. The combined power of Salesforce and QuickBooks accommodates increased sales volume, customer data, and financial transactions without sacrificing accuracy or efficiency.
  • Data Consistency and Integrity: Integration helps maintain data consistency and integrity between Salesforce and QuickBooks. Any updates or changes made in one system are automatically reflected in the other, ensuring data accuracy and reducing the risk of discrepancies.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Integration solutions often provide customization options, allowing organizations to tailor the integration to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that the integration aligns with existing business processes and workflows.
  • Cost Savings: While there may be upfront costs associated with integrating Salesforce and QuickBooks, the long-term benefits can lead to significant cost savings. By automating processes and reducing manual effort, businesses can optimize resources and minimize operational expenses.

Overall, integrating Salesforce with QuickBooks offers a seamless and efficient way to connect sales and financial data, leading to improved customer management, streamlined workflows, enhanced reporting capabilities, and increased productivity for organizations of all sizes.

To discover the best practices for seamless Salesforce integration and unlock the full potential of your business processes, check out our comprehensive guide on Salesforce integration best practices.

Steps to Integrate Quickbooks and Salesforce

1. Create a Quickbooks developer account

2. Once logged into the Quickbooks dev account, go to the Dashboard tab to create a QuickBooks developer app and fetch the client Id and client secret.

Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)

3. While creating the app add the required details, give it a name and scope, and hit create app.

Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)

4. In the left sidebar, find Development and Production keys. Under Development, select Keys and OAuth, Extract the details for Key & Credentials, and get the client id and secret. Which will be used in the next steps.

Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)


Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)

5.  Configure Auth Providers

Auth Providers allow third parties to access your organization from external services, typically through API integrations. Named credentials specify the URL of a callout endpoint and its required authentication parameters for third-party integrations in one definition.

Configure the Auth provider in Salesforce. Setup – > Auth. Provider. Configure the auth provider by adding the client id and secret from the previous step.

Quickbooks and Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)


6. Named credentials: A named credential is a logical entity that can be thought of as a named connection to an external system. With named credentials, there’s no need to embed a physical URL into Apex code and manage authentication tokens in unencrypted data stores.

 Once the Auth. The provider is configured, we need to create the named credentials. Go to Setup -> Named Credentials and click New

Quickbooks Salesforce Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)

7. Fill in the details and Once you save the credentials, it will redirect you to the QuickBooks login where you can log in and authenticate. Once authenticated named credential will show authentication status as Authenticated.

Salesforce Quickbooks Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)

8. The last and final step for authentication is to configure the callback URL mentioned in point 5, simply copy and paste it into the Quickbook app created in point 3 and hit Save.

Salesforce Quickbooks Integration (Kizzy Consulting - Top Salesforce Partner)

Boom! You have successfully authorized Quickbooks with Salesforce. Now we can write our APIs and get going.


9. Hitting Quickbooks APIs:

Now, by using the Quickbooks company Id you can hit different API requests. The company Id Can be stored in metadata to make it dynamic. Refer to the following link for different API references.

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