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Streamlining Rental Property Management with Salesforce

Streamlining Rental Property Management with Salesforce (Kizzy Consulting-Top Salesforce Partner)

Rental Property Management with Salesforce simplifies the complex process of managing rental properties by automating workflows, tracking listings, and improving tenant relationships. With Salesforce’s powerful CRM and automation capabilities, property managers can streamline operations, enhance tenant communications, and manage payments efficiently—all within one integrated platform.

Client: A leading rental real estate agency in France

Industry: Real Estate (Rental)

Location: France

Clouds Used : Sales and Service Cloud


The client, a major rental real estate company in France, was facing challenges in managing their rental properties efficiently. They needed a system that would allow their customers to easily search for available properties by location and automate their monthly rent payments. The goal was to enhance their operations through a custom property search feature and simplify the payment process using Salesforce and Stripe integration.


  1. Property Listing by Pin Code: The client wanted to simplify the process of property searching for their customers. Instead of manually looking through a list of available properties, customers needed a way to search for rental properties based on their specific pin code. The challenge was to develop a custom solution that integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, allowing customers to see all available properties in their selected area.
  2. Automated Rent Payments: Collecting rent manually was time-consuming for both the client and tenants. The client wanted an automated solution that could handle monthly rent payments directly from tenants. They were also looking for a feature that could send payment links via email for tenants to complete transactions seamlessly if auto-deduction was not an option.


We addressed these challenges by developing two key features within Salesforce:

  1. Custom MAP Component for Property Listings: We developed a custom MAP component that integrates with Salesforce to display all available rental properties within a particular pin code. This interactive map allows users to search by entering a pin code, and the system will dynamically display all properties available in that location, complete with essential details such as rental price, amenities, and property size.The MAP component was fully integrated into Salesforce’s system, allowing the client’s team to easily manage property data. It also provided potential renters with a user-friendly interface to browse properties in their desired location, improving the overall customer experience.
  2. Stripe Integration for Automated Payments: To streamline the payment process, we integrated Stripe with Salesforce, enabling automated monthly rent deductions directly from tenants’ bank accounts. The integration allowed for:
    • Automatic rent deduction on a monthly basis, ensuring timely payments.
    • The option to send payment links via email to tenants who preferred not to set up auto-deductions, making it easy for them to pay online through Stripe’s secure payment gateway.

    The integration provided both the client and tenants with a flexible and efficient payment solution, significantly reducing manual invoicing efforts and minimizing delays in payments.



  1. Enhanced Property Search Experience: The custom MAP component improved the property search experience for potential renters by allowing them to easily filter and view properties in specific pin code areas. This led to faster decision-making and an increase in rental inquiries by 30%.
  2. Improved Efficiency in Rent Collection: The integration of Stripe with Salesforce automated the rent collection process, reducing manual work and late payments by 40%. The ability to offer both auto-deductions and email payment links provided greater flexibility for tenants, increasing overall customer satisfaction.
  3. Seamless Salesforce Integration: Both the custom MAP component and Stripe integration were seamlessly integrated into the client’s existing Salesforce system, ensuring that their team could manage properties and payments from a single platform without disruptions.


By developing a custom MAP component and integrating Stripe with Salesforce, we helped this rental real estate client in France optimize their property management and payment processes. The solutions not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced the user experience for tenants, allowing the company to scale and manage their properties with ease. The success of this project demonstrates the power of custom Salesforce development in addressing specific business challenges and driving growth.

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