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Salesforce CRM Key Considerations [2023]

Salesforce CRM Considerations (Kizzy Consulting)

Salesforce CRM

When integrating Salesforce for the first time, never go for a 360-degree implementation.

Instead, implement it in phases depending on your immediate goals and needs

Brain dump all the pain points your business has and prioritize resolving those pain points that can give maximum boost to your ROI using Salesforce.

For example, if you have launched a new service but lose sales as you find it hard to manage prospects’ inquiries, you should prioritize resolving this.

Always remember that the aim of integrating Salesforce CRM is to simplify and speed up processes for the user and your team.

For effective implementation, consult with your clients about their needs and configure the Salesforce CRM accordingly.

Analyzing previous data aids in devising a clear strategy your company can follow moving forward.

To effectively utilize data, perform data cleansing and data migration during the design phase.

Conduct a trial run of Salesforce CRM to rectify any issues before it goes live.

Making users test the Salesforce system helps them get familiar with the nitty-gritty of the system and makes them competent enough to train their fellow team members.


Kizzy Consulting

Kizzy Consulting is a Salesforce Consulting Partner based in Panchkula, India. Kizzy has successfully implemented 100+ Salesforce projects for 100+ clients across sectors like Financial Services, Insurance, Retail, Sales, Manufacturing, Real estate, Logistics, and Healthcare in countries like the US, Europe, Germany, and Australia. Get a free consultation now by emailing us at or Contact us.


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