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Sales, Commissioning, and Incentivization [2023]

Salesforce Sales Cloud Case Study (Kizzy Consulting)

Company Overview

The client works in the power generation and heavy material industry.

The client is based out of Colorado, USA.

Cloud and Edition: Sales, Enterprise

System Overview and Challenges

The client is using the Enterprise edition of Salesforce. They wanted to set up an automated process for Commission distribution for the Sales team. There used to be several Sales team members and rolling out individual Commissions made the whole process a mess.


Our developers worked on creating a process for Commission payment with Commission percentage based on the total amount of the deal the broker brought into the system. This included:

  1. Setting up automated calculations for Commission on the basis of the Total Deal Amount.
  2. Sending Emails with the Commission details to the Accounting teams for a smoother working process.
  3. salesforce integration with third-party applications like QuickBooks with Salesforce so that the process of generating Commission Invoices was automated.
Salesforce Quickbooks Integration

There was the restructuring of the security model so that:

  1. No Sales team member could edit the Commission Percentage or the Commission Status set by the Accounting team. 
  2. Once the Commission was paid, the Commission Status was changed and no Commission could be paid again for the same Deal.


  1. There was a complete revamp of the system and Commission generation became a process of a few clicks. The use of data sets for maintaining the Commission details was no longer required.
  2. The KPI report and dashboard generation for Commission helped the Accounting team understand and rank the sales team on the basis of their Deals.
  3. The ease of Commission generation increased the efficiency of the Sales team by 6 times.


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Kizzy Consulting

Kizzy Consulting is a Salesforce Consulting Partner and has successfully implemented 100+ Salesforce projects for 100+ clients across sectors like Financial Services, Insurance, Retail, Sales, Manufacturing, Real estate, Logistics, and Healthcare in countries like the US, Europe, and Australia. Get a free consultation now by emailing us at or Contact us.

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